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Since 2000, our economy has shifted from an economy based on providing and managing services to one that offers experiences that matter to people. A new generation of experience-dominant companies has emerged, like Apple, Tesla, Google, and Facebook, replacing service-dominant companies.

This course is a first step toward building a career in this experience economy. Learn best practices for embracing experience management, articulating the value of an experience-based culture, and building an employee-focused, experience-forward organization. Walk away with a full understanding of the Experience Optimization Framework and the know-how to compose, propose, and scope an experience management project or program. Join us and start your journey toward becoming an ambassador for experience management.

  • Sunday, November 17 - Tuesday, November 19
  • Certification Exam Included
  • $2,199

Who Should Attend

This class is for everyone who wants to lead experience management projects.

  • Professionals tasked with scoping an experience management project
  • Understanding how to satisfy the wants and needs of employees, suppliers, or customers in terms of desired experience.
  • Professionals who need to establish the current experience landscape to identify potential XLAs.
  • Understand the role of technology supporting an effective XLA strategy.
  • How to create a team to implement, manage and improve the XLAs
  • Essential for teams and practitioners building XLAs
  • Brings everyone along the journey together, not as a practitioner but as a supporting team.
  • The course helps attendees to enhance and extend their career possibilities. 

What Attendees Will Learn


  • Establishing the experience landscape
  • Q.S.T.A.C
  • Identifying experience indicators
  • The cat-and-mouse of sentiment analysis


  • Experience ambition
  • The staged experience
  • Bridging versus extending as a strategy
  • The XLA architecture
  • Mapping XLAs to the five economic values
  • The metrics of experience management compared to service management
  • Abstract laddering of employee experience


  • The role of technology
  • Configuring the building blocks of an XLA
  • The XRM (Experience Reference Matrix)


  • Communications strategy
  • The XMO (Experience Management Organization)
  • The Güngör model for XLA versus SLA comparison
  • The importance of dark sentiment


  • The XLA ecosystem
  • The gravity to average performance
  • Experience parity